It's amazing how many folks are struggling with their ex's.
They are pushed to all kinds of peculiar self-destructive behaviors.
last night I met a young lady who agreed to go out with her ex (knowing she still has very deep feelings). I watched her drink three jager (jager bad!) shots in less than 15 minutues.
This concerned me so I asked her what the problem was. She said she was fine. I said no one who drinks three jager shots (jager bad!) in that amount of time is fine.
She proceded to tell me that her she was hanging out with her ex so she needed to loosen up.
I explained that if by loosen up she means pass out, she's well on her way.
What is this obsession that your ex has to be your friend?
When I have an EXterminator come to spray my house, I don't call him later demanding the return of the bugs!
When I have need of an EXorcist.. I don't later demand the return of the evil spirits!
If you get EXcommunicate you can be damn sure they request your return!
EX, done over ! If you can mutually agree to co-exist the do that.
But if you put yourself in a situation where you miserable hanging around hoping to rekindle what is lost, you are asking to be used.
If my EX suddenly burst in to flames,
would I stop drop and roll his ass? Yes, I would right off a fucking cliff.
I believe some EX's have a right to exist.
I also believe that there are those rare occurrences people who should be together ( for a little bit longer, before they break up) get over their differences and can reconnect.
However, if you thought for any reason you should have not been together, the EX Factor is still hovering in the background of your relationship.
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